What to say in a Engagement Card
A guide to what to write on or inside personalised Engagement cards by Kelly (owner of The Luxe Co)
With a Luxe Co card you can literally say it your way. Any way. On the front and the inside of your personalised engagement card if you wish. But what should you write? There are no rules when it comes to writing an engagement card. Some of the most beautiful wordings we see come from the heart. And you can tell that. They're not fancy, they don't rhyme but they come from a place of meaning and it's those verses and wordings that stand out for us. Our biggest tip is to write from the heart. Say what you feel. Don't worry if it's not all fancy pants and formal or that it doesn't rhyme. You don't need all of that. All things done with love mean the most. We've put together our most favourite engagement card poems and verses from 15 years in the greetings card industry that our customers like to add inside. We hope they inspire you and help you write the perfect engagement congratulations card.
What to write in a Congratulations Engagement Card
May your engagement prove to be
A time of sheer delight
And may the dreams and plans you share
Turn out exactly right
Then when the two of you become
Happy husband, happy wife
May you both spend a wonderful
And joyful married life!
With love and best wishes
Once in a while
In the middle of an ordinary life
Love gives us a fairy tale
To a very special couple
Who make a perfect pair
This brings a wish for happiness
In the future you will share
A really wonderful future
With hope of dreams-come-true
And all the happiness in the world
wished forever for the two of you