Collection: Birthstone Birthday Cards

Luxury personalised birthstone cards for birthdays.

Every month has it's own unique birthstone. Like a star sign, everybody born in each month has their own birthstone colour. Shop our unique personalised birthstone birthday cards to give a card with meaning. All of our birthstone cards are handmade with beautiful Austrian Crystal pendants that shimmers and sparkle when they catch the light. Designed to be a keepsake card that the recipient will treasure in their memory box long after the cards come down. Each birthstone birthday card comes with a fold out booklet telling the recipient how special their birthstone card is.

Shop ALL Personalised Birthday Birthstone cards by month below - January Birthday Birthstone Card: January Birthstone: Garnet | February Birthstone: Amethyst | March Birthstone: Aquamarine | April Birthstone: Diamond | May Birthstone: Emerald | June Birthstone: Pink Tourmaline | July Birthstone: Ruby | August Birthstone: Peridot | September Birthstone: Sapphire | October Birthstone Card: Pink Tourmaline | November Birthstone: Citrine | December Birthday Birthstone Cards: Blue Zircon.

Current Birthday Month : Diamond but we will soon be moving into May The Emerald

Emerald is the birthstone of May. Symbolises re-birth newness and love. The gemstone of Venus it is believed to aid fertility. Symbolising wisdom growth and patience. Emerald is given as a birthday gift for birthdays that fall in the month of May and also precious anniversaries such as the emerald 55th wedding anniversary. 

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